Sunday, August 17, 2014

Close Passive Income Loopholes Because the Middle Class is Getting Screwed

Passive income for the Rich
Passive income for the Poor
Stealing from the majority of the People

Passive income for the rich and poor CURRENTLY equals out to screwing over the middle (working) class.

Poor people should not be obese.
Rich people should not be able to devise something on paper to hide money.

Loosely speaking, when every 10 years the middle class gets their investment savings wiped out, don't people like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, BY DESIGN, gain 30 billion dollars?

So, it's legal for me to be screwed and have to downsize my life.  And it's legal for the banks (finance (insurance)) and mismanagement (ie. GM) of uhmerica to get bailed out and bonused when they flop on their face.  And without birthing a child into this world with a partner in crime, I have to pay child support and alimony through a broker to a complete stranger.

Ah, irresponsibility rewarded.  Free dumb.

What kind of mediated control is the U.S. Dollar anyway?
What kind of distribution is this?
What kind of Cents?
What kind of sense?

If we all are participating, we should all be invested.

Passive income for the rich and poor CURRENTLY equals out to screwing over the middle (working) class.

Again, if I do not have a child, why am I involuntarily paying for children?
If it's not my daddy, why am I kicking up some pyramid scheme vig working while he's sleeping?

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