It goes for almost all of them hogs on stage.
They generalize because that's good enough for idiots. What's concerning is the level of ignorance when something happens right in front of your faces.
Most of these people don't have policy stances. They may have mouth pieces but they can't get into the nitty gritty or any kind of detail and proceed to cop out, calling themselves pragmatic. They say they're in the real world. And they're right,....a world full of dolts that buy on emotion and want to play off of stats & facts with one thing but not another, like with social and eco sciences.
If Hillary or Bill, Cruz or Trump cared about an American cause, they'd have a radio show like their spinsters and pundits do - Those hated targets of political adversaries like Maddow and O'Reilly.
They like how the effect of absence-makes-the-heart-grow-fonder works so well for the idiot masses, so they don't take to the airwaves with robust regularity. They can't answer details AT ALL. Details are something that they skip over and just sign off on. And they don't want to be exposed for the unprepared idiots that they like to make fun of - coming off as maybe as a prepared and caring guy somewhere on the autistic spectrum like Rubio might be.
I wish I could be a liaison for someone who cares, much how like an engineer could use a bachelor of the arts to bridge that gap of vision and manpower to the people. I could consult them on selling the realistic vision in their heart so that they could chip away without being cheap salesmen and liars. Well, if that was truly their aim I'd like to do that. It's not sexy, but hell.
Bushes and Obamas need prepared questions. They aren't intelligent enough to handle a deposition?
We should tire of these presumptious half-asses brokering our living compromise BEFORE they get to office. They want the spotlight and not hard questions. We allow it.
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