No, just dealing with the realities of the finite and taking a guess at attitude change (adjustment).
I cut a lot of lawn today. Why? I don't know why.
Millennials might be getting smarter about this slave life shit.
I was thinking of the way to simplify my life.
A smaller version of about everything I got would do.
So, what if the very moment I got the smaller version, I met a lass and spawned more smaller versions?
Could there be a pod concept of adding room by room on top of the smaller abode, much like the imagery of a crane and major port evokes.
So, what if we're dealing with a D.C. sized yard at around 0.05 acre? Building upward more than outward, right? People will definitely adjust their elbow roomage'.
Aside from the opulent outward appearances of my garden house, as I was chillin' in my garage I thought, "I could live in a garage". A studio garage. Motivated for the maintenance and cleanliness thereof. I mean, there is a desire for simplification. I could live in something that looks like a cross between the depressing soviet block apartments and a storage unit with an obsessively baseball field-lookin' 10 by 10 lawn. Gray floors. Stainless steel appliances. Mobile Japanese walls by Stihl.
Some shit.
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