Thursday, December 21, 2017

We Invent Problems

These are leisurely times indeed!

Disposable intellect over disposable income, perhaps.  The inflation of any individuals value will be inflated indeed.

We have invented trisexuality, whether wants to be fucked as a dude before lunch, and a woman after dinner.  And either way, pull out a dick and squat piss.  And when can people just be hermaphrodites when they want?  Must Trump declare Transvestites the capital of the Milky Way?
Four year olds sexually assigning themselves so that they can do what, decide on physical love or gender role assignments?  All really confusing.

I'm transracial because I want to be black.  Sound black.  Appropriately wear dreads or some such, on and on.  The advancement of certain people, or something.
I feel like a six year old, and so I am.

Different times and migrations of Homos, and it's called a different species.

Separate standards for "one people".

Freedom of space and safety, but not freedom of consequences.  Freedumb.
One-sided arguments are permissible.  Or they aren't.  Depends.  Anarchy of Speech - we need it because of soft people, or Saharan people, or sub-saharan people.  Like, omg, whatever and stuff.  Look at my feet.  Frappachoppalatte.   Hands off my pussy.  But hands on your wallet.

We import enemies.  America second, 5% of the world pop. we are.  But empire.

Everybody hates my harsh words.  Yet flees to me.

Privileged?  You're welcome.

Stop inventing problems.  Stop being silly.

We are all racing towards dust.

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