The sanctuary city movement has gone too far. And it has gone even further with sanctuary school districts, which steal from the property owners, and it incentivizes long and arduous treks to illegally invade this first world nation. Those treks are the human rights violations. And that still does not justify stealing from me. It does not justify any slippings through the cracks to rape our nieces on the sidewalks in the midwest. They are deported and still come back. It is time to kill them.
How will this War look in the beginning?
First worlders will come after the invaders and round them up. Whatever happens after that is up to the alleged representatives of the people. If those lawmaker don't take action (such as actively enforce the written law; not kowtow, pretending this is some fluid breathing process of Church/Charity & State) , there will be bloodshed.
Word will get out.
Respect for first world order will occur again. This is not a church. It is a compromise.
But now you're taking from me right in front of my face. You are compromising the first world.
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