Do movies need to be made in Hollywood with a bunch of empty headed rich retarded ditzes? Simply, no. Technically, well yeah, nothing technically about it, it must be more economical to make a movie in LA. If a place like Las Vegas steps up to sway pricing and offer up accommodation of a film commission that can help more of the up and comers, that'd be neat. Or a Midwest city like Chicago or Milwaukee. Cleveland or Cincinnati. Spaghetti Midwestern Studios. Apple Pie Productions
Okay, not just movies. Music.
There needs to be another Nashville somewhere else. Could Austin be bolstered? Bakersfield had a run back in the day. What if my love Cincinnati stepped up? Louisville. Indianapolis. Kansas City here we come. Charleston, WV.
There needs to be another Hollywood. What about more of a bolster in Orlando? Dallas? The B-movies Boise Studios. Denver.
Grass root for this shit.
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