Although, as the excuse is often used in modern times, poor people can be stupid and easily led, so who of the masses are we to blame. And maybe I'm wrong. Southerners can be as tribal as anyone else. It can be as tribal as the ghetto. And I say ghetto with singularity, because seemingly the same anthem plays out of every speaker in a hum drum IQ. Well, back in the day (centuries ago), tribalism was an even more important fact and reality of life. Proximity was where you walked and who you talked to. It's what pisses me off about the whining of voting today, as if people are riding their horse for a day for the right to do so.
But anyway, statues coming down, boo hoo. Except we know that Jefferson and Washington are Virginians. So, where would it stop? Are we going to rip down men of a very real past for their infidelities or behavior. OJ out of the Hall of Fame? Are we going to be absolutists? Are we going to enforce equally for all? Is authoritarianism okay as long as you agree with it. Let me remind you, I don't even think we banish terrorists, let alone hang traitors.
I talked about tearing down history and war. It used to be that winners write history and losers hang. Now, it's more of the flavor of winners write history and losers hang around. And hey, maybe that's evolution. We allegedly have enough food and cow farts anyway.

Why did we let southerners live? Why haven't we renamed Afghanistan 12 years ago? How are we ignoring that we're effectively a Rome right now? Why are we romantic about white on white violence? Are white people so arrogantly racist that we only hold ourselves to such holy reverence? I am all for renaming bad guys. If you've read me, you know that I think we shouldn't let gangs or terrorist organizations call themselves anything. We should tag them with our name that we decide for them, and refer to them as that-whatever thereafter. The power of place is involved in naming. But yeah, back in the day, strength in numbers and participation, blah blah blah. National security was truly about mobilization and staking a population. And we have open borders for the citizen carrot called infantry for WWIII.
Even if I'm not huge on renaming my old unit, high school, old neighborhood and anything else so people think of me someday as a babbling old crazy man that didn't actually exist, I'm okay with renovation. But for real, has your neighborhood been renamed?! I'm for updates. If Johnny did something cool, but there's an update in badassery that people alive and living up and down a street can identify with, rename Johnny Street. Or put a tagged update of a sign, like Johnny Street, Benny's Way. Benavidez Base. When you leave the barracks to the base, head out to the "Benavidez", because that's the hardcore part of why people joined.
America, focus on important shit. White people, ...especially leftists, hone in on your arrogant hypocrisies concerning freedom, especially your religious-like sanctimonious tone of ignorance. Stop saying open bathrooms are the most important thing to talk about, but you only care when the bullhorns are out about coed inclusivity for a toilet, and statues just recently started eyeballing you. Stop being a joke. Let's rename that caveman place of an Afghanistan Zoo. If you want to be a World Emperor or Roman Senator pastor who elevates yourself as some God by stealing from your neighbor to support the rest of the breeding world, at least admit it. My suggestion is to examine yourself a little: Focus.
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