Friday, August 31, 2018

Compromise: Immigrants (People), Tax Money & Guns

And it's National ID.

Everyone claims that they want regulation and accountability.  Okay then.

Registering.  Licensing.
As in your license with endorsements.
Hell, I want to see large-dog licensure.  I'm tired of the pitbull stories.  One is too many.
One is too many in many opinions.  Illegal border-crossings.  Killings.  You name it.

Kids in blight power neighborhoods have to walk to school also.  Outrage is selective no less.
The spirit of guns is protection.  You may be a good fighter now.  And you'll still want a fighting chance when you're 65.  Mothers and daughters the same.

So there's a national ID card with firearms endorsements, etc.
There will also be temporary ID cards for visitors to America. 

There will be conditions (like curfews) for the jobless receiving benefits, for times such as when the job center isn't open.
Let me see your ID.

Overstay your visa?  That's a no-go.  An anchor baby in the process?  Still a no-go.  Buh-bye

We are not playing around with the spirit of the law.  Selective enforcement, buh-bye.

I have seen plenty of federal activist judges in this immigration debacle.  During a time of war, no less.  A war in which we are not rationing.  Nor participating in en masse.  Like we are Rome being Rome.

The wall is not a final solution or cure-all.  It's an impediment.  It's a message.  Get it.

I suppose unless our justice system changes we'll have activist judges taking on cases on individual competency for firearms cases.

Seems like a pretty straight-forward political compromise.
Are you ready?
Something tells me you people and your neighborhoods balk at real regulation.  You're all mouth.
Blah blah blah.  Some say they're book burnings.  I say there are word burnings.  It'll be dragging the race and Nazi ('natsie) word out shouting more claims of firing the lasers and "let me see your papers".

But here's a pathetically weak case by the ACLU.  So silly it's hard to read and pretend it makes any sense.  It's as if the ACLU says a solution is impossible.  They expect you to be retarded and that naive.  Not sure which playbook came first, this by the ACLU or the one by the NRA. 

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Passive Income Hurting the Worker

It's a pyramid scheme.
A pinch.

Really, optimization of stocks is a crooked bit.  It boils it all down to this:  Quantity over Quality.
And getting everyone to buy into lower quality.

Scumbag assholes cutting corners.  Justifying bonuses.  Making things disappear.  A disappearing act.  A derivative.   A derivative check for someone (else).  And it'll never come back.  The black hole for your savings.

It's never enough.  Never enough.

Friday, July 27, 2018

A case for Refugia

Isn't a conglomerate of diversity a good thing ?  All that diversity lumped into one place will be awesome, won't it?  Let's create a UN run refugee camp.  Lease land from Morocco for all I care.   Sure, rape happens even by the UN troops, but it's yet another cultural write-off, right?!?.

And as leftist arrogant whites would have it, it'd be supervised by white privilege!!!  Oh my!  How great!!!!
How great?!?!

White privilege is something to despise.  Yet flee to(?????).  If I'm confused, those imported onto welfare will most certainly be.  And, oh, by the way, your election polling nationally will permanantly go to hell if you people don't start priortizing stuff instead of gender pronouns.  Go ahead, keep trying to flip the script in who you call deplorable.  Stop pretending this world is about grooming cultures like chia pets

Warm blankets and welfare for the world.  Come to Rome (the West)!!!!

It'll be a wonderful meeting of the minds with all of that diversity supervised in one place,....this land of Refugia.  So let's do it.
If a place isn't a shithole, is it a gloryhole?  Of course this map isn't the whole story.

Not too many places will you watch television programming as a kid with machine guns, blood, guts and gore.  In the U.S. one can.  But as a wee lad, I can't see female mammaries, that's bad, mmmkay.  In the UK, as least as it was, one could watch Benny Hill, boobs, ...but not so much telly on the violent end.  I totally respect that, and question our American protestant priorities.  Boobs aren't bad!

And surely, as we're realizing, communal cultures the world over aren't perhaps as stressed over malarchy as we are in the west.  Nobody's cultures are necessarily better, they're just different.  And this is why I'm dumbfounded on the left's push to seemingly put McDonalds in jungles and bring peoples to Rome for our lettuce and fruit.  I would've figured some asshole republicans would want to pull that transnational stuff off more.  Stop wanting penguins in Florida and Palm Trees at the poles.

If one truly wishes to see diversity, keep the maps and stop trying to make diversity be everywhere, essentially killing conservation.  Stop taking 3rd worlders and artificially inflating their carbon footprints hundreds fold by bringing them here on instant welfare.  Somalia, Eritrea or Ethiopia are not such great places to the extent that there should be a Little Somalia in every American metro.  That's retarded.  China, that's another thing.  They're successful, yummy, cooperative and communal, even if their spy-rings are thieving frenchy assholes with the best of them; nothing to say of their neighborhoods that don't predictably devolve into shitholes from coast to coast.  And nothing to say of them being our (i love this word) "adversary" in the three-way cold war we'll be in.  On the plus side, at least terrorist cultures will become cockroaches underfoot again in the vacuum of the cold war whose rule those sandeaters will live under.... uhgain......

I understand people will misconstrue my tone for nationalism and racism, as if I think peoples can't get along, and even the term "nationalism" should be a bad thing.  I'm not worried about taking criticism, nor lectures from people who forgot they were foaming at the mouth while using the connotation of World Police as a shouting slur a few short years ago.  They themselves are mandating a Charity & State to the World Empire and have expanding the term of world police to World Daycare Center!  Massive hippy'crits.  Excuse me if I think they're exasperated into retardation.  You want harmony via socialism and communism, but don't understand homogeny and widely accepted western (aka successful culture) codes of conduct.  Less to do with race than it does nations.  People the world over respect lines not permitted to be cross.  ....Until they realize they can take your inch for a mile while you stare at your shoes and avert eye contact.  Boats from all over shitholes didn't set sail with those males because it instantly became necessary, dummies.

I mean, seriously, lefties.... you're becoming political jehovah's witnesses.  And your priorities look like those posters...... the ones with children and butterflies petting lions next to lambs in harmony.   Are you that naive?

Friday, July 20, 2018

Martial Law

The Plan:  Orderly Cooperation and Implementation
Taught in a Civics Lesson.  Not every "man for themselves".
I would not count on FEMA.  Or the speed of anything.  Red Cross.  Whatever.  You name it.  You probably feel that way too.

I spent time as a Socialist.  Few in America have.

There are some things really great about it in the communal sense - the thing admirable about many cooperative east Asian groups. 

I'm talking the United States of American Military.
It's not for everybody.
You will find your finest citizens there.

But having a strong military and veteran base is better than chaos.  The Army essentially conditions for noise, panic and chaos.  Military trainers are agitated by those stated conditions as seen in people, as well as agitated by those without situational awareness and slovenly stand in the way of movement and improvement.  And movement and improvement are essential to surviving dicey conditions.

Let's say an earthquake absolutely rocks half our country to the point our daily flow comes to a halt.  The grid goes down.  Martial law is required.  Police bullhorns will blast information.  Perhaps some folks with generators may have their routers and radios up.  Perhaps groups of people will grow close.  No doubt some people will love to sow some chaos.  Obviously those folks will need to be put down post haste, army style.  Perhaps a devastating blizzard would freeze a bunch of people to hunker down in place and wait a little more calmly, but we have to plan for nearly everything.  And we should know that as far as human nature in conjunction with some harshly imaginable natural occurrences, things could get really very bad.

But anyway, I think some Civics courses should be had for all human beings in America to understand the process of what would go down in any event.   Down to the goddamned recycling.

I remember the trash cans in mess halls.  One for Rubbish.  One for paper items.  You get the picture. 
I want this shit organized.  Like, I want the trash categorically broken down.

And I want people to understand how such a cooperative socialism would work.  And that means little tolerance for third world bullshit.  And for some people it would likely get addressed as I don't think that word means what you think it means.  That means the hammer if need be.  Not much room or time to fuck around.  When the shit goes down, you should know the drill.
You should know the drill.  Our "leadership" should implement the understanding to the greater community.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Muh bitch Nailed it

A great deal of my fellow Americans are naive, and in a very real way their gullible naivety, and arrogant whiteness (by finding cultures incapable of coming close to being civilized like "we are" without us) is jeoparding generations of first rate first world people.  Their panic and exasperation makes me sick.  They are worse than the character that is Trump, whom they hate.  Worse.

Saturday, June 30, 2018

FreeDumb: Leftists Want the Empire with Whites Ruling

World Police expanded to a term of endearment and culminates into the World Daycare Center.

The dumbest people in the history of mankind are hippy'critical leftist and their mandate of Charity & State, world wide.

Cue the Sara McClachlin muse-sick.

The left in a thousand words 


Saturday, May 26, 2018

Sterling Brown is Mentally Handicapped

He thinks he's Hancock.

But he's Handiman.

"It's cool.  It's cool", is his press release.  Not something crafted for literate hired justice.
I declare his rap name is now "3 spots".

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Let's have a talk about Isolationism

To be told it cannot happen is utter nonsense.  It can happen.

We're at it with this arrogant soft bigotry of low expectation of others again.

Things domestically here in America can get more expensive.  More appreciated.  Better quality.  Tighten up the belt.  And tightening of the bootstrap.  But it can happen.

Importing droves of needlessness is not necessary.  Lavishness has turned into fat.  We are in the information age yet so dumb.   We are highlighting our ignorance and naivety.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Control Guns or People ?

Nobody brings up creating a state-deemed classification of an armory, defined by number of firearms, as a registry, accessible only by law enforcement when cleared by a judge (like with FISA), and stored in collateral non-digital form only leased to a private-sector bank. Same old uneducated attacks of reactive hyperventilating panic. Your life's attitude should not be to wait for the police to save you. Do I have to even say it after this last example?

A lot of lefties are the softest and silliest balls of ignorance in the history of time. I would negotiate a lot of the hippy'crit crap they talk in compromising, with heavy condition. I would hand you people nothing though. Point Blank: A wall is as ridiculous as not shipping the invaders back, decades and decades ago. The wall is a shovel ready project.

Do you want to control guns or people? Weapons are proliferated, so that cat is out of the bag. Apparently people from other civilizations are proliferated to escape the likes of Vicente Fox and walk my block, and that has been out of the bag for awhile, so I smell a boatload of ridiculousness.

ie. 10 firearms per property household in the State of Ohio is an armory. Store register looking like the Dewey Decimal system. Not a lot of space, and more importantly not digitally accessible. The penalty of not reporting should equal that of welfare fraud.

My only question is do you feel better? If you don't I guess you can dial 911

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Field Corps

The military.
The peace corp.

and what else?

I say

Crops rotting in the field???  Are white, black and "Asian" people, or the American citizenry in general too good for that kind of work?

We don't need to import low skilled failed culture workers.  Let's expand our compulsory service, one in which a young Donald Trump, Jr. would have to figure out before, during breaks in college or after schooling.  Going to college?  You are not exempt.

Let's have a basic training in warehouses and all sorts of labor, to include but not limited to picking crops in the field.  No more lame excuses of needing detrimental people brought into the first world.

Physical waiver?  Okay, one's one year in the field becomes 3 years full-time in some sort of administrative capacity,....after a modified basic training.

Farms receive subsidies.  Inasmuch, aren't they taxpayer owned?  I realize this has privatization v. state-owned implications.  And corporate farm implications.  But don't farms get subsidy and write-offs?  We can come up with something.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Punch a Natsi in the Face at a Beach in Omaha

Is there a big Natsi White Power problem in America?
Or is a bigger issue with Negro Natsies in the Blight Power White Powder movement coast to coast, ubiquitously from sea to shining sea?

Wall Street, Main Street, MLK Blvds.  City Council to city council.

Let's get serious, idiots.  Our biggest problem is turning our cheeks, each and every local news, from sea to shining sea.