Friday, June 21, 2019

Race and Wrongfulness Boils Down in the End

Some questions to ask yourself whether you're an arrogant person who wishes to steal from others to give to others by a different name, or you're a silly low IQ victim who wants to raise your voice and whine:

How is it not stealing?
How is it not perpetuating wrong for wrong?
Did white people invent tribalism?
Did white people invent conquering?
Did white people invent history?
How many white people alive today are not historically a derivative product of rape and pillage?
What would be the step after REPARATIONS?  And next after that?

Are we going to argue this until you push and push me to concede I wish you were never born
and that you don't belong here?

How much money is enough?
A yacht?
Are we going to need a bigger boat?
Do you care to share with me the per capita demographics an extent of free food, housing and post-secondary schooling?

Grow-the-ghetto and Blight Power politics have shown me they are full of shit.  Ungrateful and diabetic.  Different. 

This request is at the MRDD level that wants to take from me.  Society is a thin fabric - a veil that separates entire continents by nature.  Less talk, more walk.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

What the Zuck is Wrong with Uhmerican Left Wristers?

Why is Zuckerberg such an unAmerican dude?  Is it some kind of weird religious Hebroid Autistic thing?  Why are people so terrified by speech?  If I call someone a title that's pretty accurate, what's wrong with it?  Surely, these things are opinions, but when it comes to calling someone something, especially if they're a murderous criminal with a lengthy history of trying to unfold our society, surely we can do worse.  This same dude I'm referring to could've driven his opioid ass into Zuckerberger w/ fries vehicle, killing him and his wife.  If Zucky suddenly became a widower because of some white trash piece of crap, then he'd be pissed, wanting more than some cruelly accurate name for the perpetrator.

Why is that billionaire such a cunt?  Why are the likes of Twatter PooTube getting hypervigilant in protecting entire peoples that they're defacto treating as if they are a special needs (retarded) class of folk?  Calling people retarded is one thing.  Treating them that way is quite another.  I see better than I hear. Your politics is quite literally interfering with my safety with your gross thievery for mandated Charity & State and foreign invaders, yet I'm deemed the bad guy.  I'm not causing chaos in the streets, much like your politics surely will.
Zuckerberg is all about shit washing up on Western beaches.