Saturday, December 26, 2020

Get woke First World Americans

Get woke, America.

Your freedom is inhibited, and that has been the case way before this recent fiasco.

We're not as cuck in the streets as Europe is yet.  But that's not much of a compliment, whitey.  

The passive income poles of the Republican and Democrat parties are sticking the middle class with the bill each and every time, whether one is upper or lower middle class.  Paul Ryan quit, smelling that he would get called out, McCain probably just being a fall guy in his twilight, because his ilk knew that the hospital boards loved the arrangement of having their bills paid on time thanks to price gauging the middleclass; and those nappy headed country ass twang trailer types were business as usual, for they never have paid, never intended on paying, and apparently never will pay for much in their lavish poverty and inexcusable health hazard neighborhoods.

The jetset class of rich people want your DNA to lower the offsprings' IQ for generations to come, of course the television giving you permission to date whomever your low IQ ass wants.  They will be able to boss stupid people around a lot easier.  But I can't say much for a comfortable and cowardly middle class, other than we will bitch and go back to work under our breaths.  

It is the American Empire, and as an American citizen you don't get a say in the shithole tribal islands we will be living around.  Foreign aid is way more important than you peasants or the safety of your children.  The bratty black neighborhoods are the public health crisis for now, probably only getting worse when the Mexicans and other Latino cartels.own the neighborhoods of Blight Power.  You are allowing for the unfettered lawlessness of the third world to jeopardize the safety of all children everywhere.  

All these airheads and softy morons in Congress.  You are allowing for it to happen.  Blight Power!!!  Those richy rich governors and sanctuary Church & State mayors, rife with hypocrisy, laughing at you peasants, living the better standard for themselves.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Happy Kwanza. Is it going to be Climate Pledge Arena or Breonna KFC Nappy Taylor Field House next for the third world basketball association?

Fuck Zuckerberg's Commie ass and his Commie wife.

To hell with the Millionaire ghetto enemy family in Kentucky, and their greater community that is the public health crisis.

Can we have Civil War II yet?

Thank you.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Stopping Cynthia Johnson and her inexcusable neighborhoos is as easy as......

......Stopping welfare payments to her dependent base of morons.  They would be done.

2020 Summer News and Commercials

The Ilk of Youtube, Facebook and Twitter are Privately and Personally Against Free Speech.

There reality is a profound statement.  They are not for freedom from intrusion or free speech.

Calling people of people that fought Nazis a Nazi is okay to these leftist enemy organizations.  Their hypocrisy runs deep.  And they are our enemies.  And these are traitors that have no redeeming qualities.  There is no longer a need for thoughts of mercy.