Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Civil Cold War before the Civilless War

The Civil Cold War before the Civilless War:

I haveth spake of a possible wake up call in the form of Civil War II.  And I've thought of Cold War II on the horizon which would likely defuse another Civil War because prioritization will be called for again and all of the retarded woke borderless emperors will have their jaws wired with reality at their doorstep again.  Either way, and if a trilateral civil war between the gukes and the rooskies never really occurs because Saharans and Subsaharans are just exhibits again, before all out no-prisoners war happens on American soil in the form of a civil war, which discontent has been successfully sewn by the ever-living kgb (K%^# Guke Bureau of slav republico) which the socialist demolitioncrats have colluded to,..... the cold war warning should buffer the times between now and then.  I heard some radio flipping mention "Cold Civil War", a station in which I don't remember, so I can't momentarily cite it.  But sounds legit.  We are living in a war of ideas, and wallet & choice looting of the middle class in the name of an endless world charity.  Fuck your forced tithe of only the middleclass Charity & State.

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